
Fleas Control

Flea control in Carrizo Springs, TX, is crucial for maintaining a healthy and comfortable environment. Our comprehensive approach targets both adult fleas and their larvae, ensuring effective eradication from your home and yard. With the use of safe, eco-friendly treatments, we protect your family and pets from these pesky invaders, restoring peace and preventing future infestations in this warm, semi-arid climate.

How Did I Get Fleas?

Fleas can invade your space without notice, hitching a ride on pets, wildlife, or even your clothing. These tiny pests thrive in warm, humid environments, making your home an ideal breeding ground. From visiting infested areas to unknowingly bringing infested items into your space, there are numerous ways these unwelcome guests can make themselves at home, leading to a frustrating infestation.

Why Removing Fleas Can Be Tricky?

Removing fleas from your environment can be a tricky endeavor due to their resilient nature and rapid life cycle. Fleas have evolved to become masters of survival, with their eggs and larvae hiding in the smallest of crevices, beyond the reach of standard cleaning methods. Their ability to lie dormant for months, coupled with a high reproduction rate, means that without a comprehensive and multi-faceted treatment approach, tackling an infestation can feel like an endless battle. This complexity requires persistent efforts and often professional intervention to ensure complete eradication.

How Can I Prevent Fleas From Returning?

Preventing fleas from returning to your home in Carrizo Springs, TX, involves a strategic approach that includes regular cleaning, treating pets with vet-approved flea prevention, and maintaining your yard to discourage flea-harboring wildlife. For an added layer of protection, consider enlisting the services of Long’s Pest Control, renowned in Carrizo Springs for their effective flea prevention strategies.

With Long’s Pest Control, you can ensure your home remains flea-free. Reach out to them at 830-876-5544 for a comprehensive flea prevention plan tailored to your needs.

fleas control

What Are The Signs Of Fleas Infestation?

  • Excessive Scratching, Biting, or Licking: Pets may exhibit unusual amounts of scratching, biting at their fur, or licking their skin, driven by the irritation fleas cause.
  • Flea Dirt: Small, dark specks resembling pepper scattered on your pet’s coat or bedding, which are actually flea feces.
  • Flea Eggs: Tiny, white, and oval-shaped eggs that may be found in pet bedding, carpets, or other areas pets frequent.
  • Visible Fleas: Spotting tiny, fast-moving, dark insects on your pet or around your home.
  • Hair Loss: Pets may lose hair due to excessive scratching or a reaction to flea bites.
  • Red, Irritated Skin: Flea bites can leave red, irritated, and sometimes swollen marks on your pet's skin or even on humans.
  • Flea Bites on Humans: Small, red, itchy bumps that typically appear around the ankles or legs but can occur anywhere on the body.
  • Pet Anemia: In severe infestations, pets can become anemic due to the loss of blood from numerous flea bites, noticeable through pale gums and lethargy.

If you notice one or more of these signs, it's essential to take action to address the flea infestation promptly.

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